Thursday, October 11, 2012

Humility. 10/11/12

Training Day:
Thursday is Deadlift and Bench Press day as I prepare for my Power Lifting meet on November 3rd.

I added a lot of accessory work (Romanian DL, Dips, Hollow Rocks) today after an unexpected dose of humility.  I was so stoked after my squats on tuesday, that I decided to send the video to an actual power lifter to view, asking specifically to check the depth of my heavy set.  His response was "I think almost all of those are gonna pass. Don't worry depth isn't your issue right now man"...

Hm.  Well there's that, then.  This quickly settled me right back down and I asked him to go a little deeper on my critique (which he obliged), and thus I was given some stuff to work on, and a solid, if unexpected reality check. It's always when you least expect it, and usually when you need it most.

School Day:
Today was my 7th grade block day.  Block day (85 minutes) are great opportunities for data collection, so that is what we do on block days.  Today was their first attempt at running the mile.  I have to admit, I was really impressed with some of the numbers that my students put up, and definitely pleased with their effort.  Sure, there were some mistakes made on the paper-work/record keeping side of things, but overall it was a great day.  I finished the day by having my yearbook students design a cover for the yearbook using their school-issued iPads.  WOW.  I'm working with some serious talent.

Since we are playing Marin Catholic this week (did anyone see the subliminal message in the background of the video?), I had to show the JV squad some love and we spent a good 2 hours scrimmaging the freshman team so we could both (JV's and Frosh alike) work on "new stuff" that the coaches had installed this week.  Our JV kids are really starting to turn it around and figure out this whole 'Merican-rules football thing.

Gilly is making stuffed peppers for dinner tonight.  In the crock pot.  I'm going to be hard-pressed to not dig into them before she gets home...they smell SO GOOD.

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